Overclocking no CPU
Orthos Prime 2004
Este programa serve pra stressar o cpu e a memoria ao maximo por forma a saber se o pc apesar de overclokado ta estavel o suficiente pra aguentar a sua utilização no seu maximo.
Link pra download: http://sp2004.fre3.com/beta/orthos_exe_20060420.cab
Coretemp 0.97.1
Este programa serve pra medir as temperaturas dos cores dos cpus mais recentes de forma mais fiavel e eficaz. Suporta Intel core Solo e Core Duo, bem como os mais recentes processadores AMD.
Link pra download: http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/CoreTemp.zip
CPU-Z 1.44
Este programa serve sua essencia como uma ferramenta de leitura dos seus componentes mais importantes (cpu, memoria, e board). Ele dá-nos a leitura da frequencia utilizada, do multiplicador, da voltagem do cpu, bem como a velocidade das memorias e a sua latencia. uma ferramneta essencial a qualquer utilizador.
Link pra download: http://www.cpuid.com/download/cpuz_144.zip
Super PI MOD 1.5
Com este programa pode fazer testes á sua memoria desde 16KB ate 32MB, e ele serve basicamente como teste á sua memoria fazendo-lhe ciclos atraves do kual é midido o tempo necessario pra efectuar cada um. quanto mamis baixo for o valor melhor será a performance da sua memoria.
Link pra download: http://www.xtremesystems.com/pi/super_pi_mod-1.5.zip
PC Mark 2005 1.02
PCMark®05 is everything you need to reliably and easily measure the performance of your PC and determine its strengths and weaknesses. With PCMark05, you will be able to select the optimal upgrades for your existing PC, or choose the right new PC that fits your specific needs. This easy-to-use product gives you the same tools and knowledge that virtually every professional tester in the industry uses.
Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/PCMark05_d4656.html
PC Mark Vantage
PCMark® Vantage is the first objective hardware performance benchmark for PCs running 32 and 64 bit versions of Microsoft® Windows Vista®. PCMark Vantage is perfectly suited for benchmarking any type of Microsoft® Windows Vista PC from multimedia home entertainment systems and laptops to dedicated workstations and hi-end gaming rigs.
Link para Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/PCMark_Vantage_d5805.html
Speed Fan 4.33
SpeedFan automatically searches your computer for interesting chips: the hardware monitor chips. SpeedFan can expose voltages, fan speeds and temperatures. On rare occasions, the BIOS doesn’t activate such features. SpeedFan tries to enable them as long as this is a safe thing to do. Not only the motherboard is searched, but also some video cards and almost every recent hard disk. SpeedFan can access status info from EIDE, SATA and even SCSI drives, showing, in a consistent way, internal data that can be used to diagnose current and future hard disk failures.
Link pra Download: http://www.almico.com/speedfan433.exe
CPUCool 7.3.8
CPUCooL is a program that monitors temperature, fan speed, and voltages for many motherboards.
It works with all chipsets from Intel, ALI, VIA, AMD, and SIS 5595 motherboards.Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=214
Programa com capacidade de alterar varios settings como vcore, fsb, timings, alem de monitorizar as temperaturas, voltagens, alteração de fsb, . Somente para motherboards baseadas em chipset NF2.
Link pra Download: http://www.home.fh-karlsruhe.de/~wise00 … 8-dev8.zip
ClockGen is an program dedicated to overclocking. Its main purpose is to change the system clocks on the fly : FSB (Front Side Bus) and GSB (Graphic Side Bus). ClockGen also provides some functions that allow you to improve and monitor your overclock.
Link pra Download: http://www.cpuid.com/download/ClockGen.zip
Este programa permite alterar o FSB das boards em windows.
Link pra Download: http://www13.plala.or.jp/setfsb/
S&M 1.8.1
Program will test the stability of processor and system memory and the hovering of computer is possible with the insufficient quality of cooling processor or problems with the memory. During the testing well- not to open important documents – the data can be lost with the failure.
Link pra Download: http://www.overclockers.ru/cgi-bin/file … i?file=436
Hot CPU Tester Pro 4.3
Hot CPU Tester is a burn-in diagnostic tool which tests the CPU, as well as virtually all parts of the motherboard for errors, bugs and defective parts. It is a burn-in test program designed with the state–of- the- art DefectTrack engine. DefectTrack is a technology developed by 7Byte Computers to assess a system’s stability and general health. Hot CPU Tester is currently being used in a variety of labs and governmental organizations around the world, as a reliable diagnostic and trouble shooting program
Link pra Download: http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/so … /?url=8021
Um bom utilitário para testar a estabilidade do sistema
Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=867
Programa para teste e estabilidade do sistema, podemos configurar a quantidade de ram utilizada pelo programa, alem de poder verificar a temperatura do CPU.
Link pra Download: http://www.jabardo.jsilvestre.net/Tuturial/OCCTv091.exe
Programa de estabilidade de sistema, podemos optar entre 3 testes (teste de CPU e memoria ).
Link pra Download:http://mersenne.org/gimps/p95v2414.zip
MemFreq 1.1
Calcula automaticamente a frequencia das memorias dependendo do divisor e multiplicador que se usa, para sistemas A64.
Link pra Download: http://www.jabardo.jsilvestre.net/Tutur … helper.zip
CPU Burn-in 1.01
Mais um bom utilitário para testar a estabilidade do nosso sistema, nomeadamente do CPU.
CPU Burn-in v1.01 by Michal Mienik is the ultimate stability testing tool for overclockers. The program heats up any x86 CPU to the maximum possible operating temperature that is achievable by using ordinary software. This allows the user to adjust the CPU speed up to the practical maximum while still being sure that stability is achieved even under the most stressful conditions. The program continuously monitors for erroneous calculations and errors ensuring the CPU does not generate errors during calculations performed under overclocking conditions.Link pra Download: http://users.bigpond.net.au/cpuburn/dow … urn-in.zip
Real-Time High-Dynamic Range Image-Based Lighting 1.2
Programa para stressar o CPU e a GPU em windows.
Rthdribl is a “Real-time High Dynamic Range Image-Based Lighting” demo. DirectX(R) 9.0 high-precision texture formats and version-2.0 of Pixel Shader represent real-time true HDR rendering.Link pra Download: http://www.daionet.gr.jp/~masa/archives … bl_1_2.zip
Motherboard Monitor
Esse aplicativo pode controlar a velocidade do ventilador, a temperatura, a voltagem e muitos outros parâmetros, além de exibir informações detalhadas sobre seu processador e sua memória.
Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=311
Overclocking na VGA
Riva Tuner 2.0 RC 16.2
Este programa considerado por muitos o supra sumo do overclocking nas grafikas. tem uma versatilidade como existe em poucos progrmas de OC. Ele é suportado por quase todos os chips grafikos k existiram e os k existem actualmente no mercado.
Link pra Download: http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.ph … 3#download
3D Mark 2006 1.1.0
3DMark®06 is the worldwide standard in advanced 3D game performance benchmarking and the latest version in the popular 3DMark series! 3DMark06 tests include all new HDR/SM3.0 graphics tests, advanced SM2.0 graphics tests, AI and physics driven single and multiple cores or processor CPU tests and a collection of comprehensive feature tests to reliably measure next generation gaming performance today. Futuremark’s exclusive Online ResultBrowser web service tracks and compares 3DMark06 scores.
Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/3DMark06_d4935.html
Aquamark 3
Quem quiser testar e comparar a performance da grafika pode usar o Aquamark. Ele mede a velocidade da placa de vídeo usando o engine de um jogo de acção subaquática, cheio de efeitos diferentes e pesados. A nota final, que é uma boa medida da performance do computador em gráficos 3D, traz ainda a medida individual do processador e da placa de vídeo, o que é útil para comparações após um upgrade.
Link pra Download: http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.ph … 3#download
Fraps 2.8.1
Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL graphic technology. In its current form Fraps performs many tasks and can best be described as:
Benchmarking Software – Show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen. Perform custom benchmarks and measure the frame rate between any two points. Save the statistics out to disk and use them for your own reviews and applications.
Link pra Download: http://www2.fraps.com/FRAPS281.EXE
Coolbits 2.0
Coolbits 2 unleashes hidden function within ForceWare drivers, it enables several new Direct3d and OpenGL configuration tabs, and even more tweaking capability from the nVidia taskbar settings panel.
Link pra Download: http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=815
PowerStrip 3.73
PowerStrip combina um avançado suporte API multi-monitor com um amplo suporte de hardware programável. Uma simples barra de ferramentas, em combinação com um menu residente na bandeja do sistema, lhe proporcionará um acesso imelhorável à configuração gráfica do seu computador, a suas modificações de visualização favoritas, aumento e redução do tamanho do desktop.
Link pra Download: http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/so … /?url=9425
ATI Tray Tools
ATI Tray Tools is a Full Featured Radeon Tweaker that can be found in the windows tray which then allows instant access to options and settings. Quite handy and quite a small download. Just click the executable and you are good to go.
Link pra Download: http://downloads.guru3d.com/downloadget … 6a0608204d
ATITool 0.26 (Dezembro 2006)
For ATI cards this compact tweaker is useful and fun to look at. It runs 3D tests to determine how far you can overclock display memory and core without producing artifacts. Control gamma settings, refresh rates, and even fan speeds from this highly accessible tool that is our new best Radeon friend. (Freeware)
Link pra Download: http://www.majorgeeks.com/ATITool_d4109.html
Softwares Overclocking e Descrição dos Programas usados
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