Saiu há pouco momento a nova revisão do GLEW agora livre de falhas. GLEW 1.5.7 adiciona também as principais descrições e suortes para as novas placas, NVX_gpu_memory_info fixando bugs, e trabalhando diretamente com lGetPointervEXT.
Você pode fazer o download do GLEW 1.5.7 AQUI.
Principais Detalhes:
GLEW (OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library) is a library that checks and initializes all OpenGL extensions supported on the target platform.
GLEW is the most popular OpenGL extensions management lib but there are also GLEE or Biggle that offer the same kind of functionalities.If you plan to use GLEW with an OpenGL 3 or 4 core profile, don’t forget to read these posts before:
- GLEW Does Not Work with an OpenGL 3 or 4 Core Profile
- How To Get the List of the OpenGL Extensions With a Core Profile
Faça o Download agora mesmo:
Glew OpenGL 1.5.7 corrigido e livre de falhas
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