A AMD lançou o driver Catalyst v11.10 Preview 3, compatível com Windows XP /Vista / 7.
Este driver traz diversas correções de problemas e é específico para os games Rage e Battlefield 3 Open Beta, para quem utiliza uma placa de vídeo das famílias Radeon HD 5000 e HD 6000.
AMD Catalyst™ 11.10 Version 3 Preview Driver Features:
- Reduces random crashing and stability encountered when playing Rage on Windows® 7 32-bit edition
- Reduces object / animation flickering and texture corruption encountered when playing Rage
- Reduces stuttering seen on Dual CPU and Tri CPU core systems
- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on single GPU configurations using the AMD Radeon™ HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 series of products.
- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on AMD CrossFire™ configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 series of products.
- Improves performance in Rage on single GPU configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000, AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series and AMD Radeon HD 4000 series of products.
- Reduces intermittent crashing seen loading levels in Rage
- Reduces flickering of NPCs in Rage
- Enables automatic Vsync for Rage
- Enables support for AMD Eyefinity 5×1 display (portrait and landscape) configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 series of products.
- AMD Vision Engine Control Center: User Interface enhancements have been implemented for the AMD CrossfireX™, GPU AMD Overdrive™ and Information Center pages.
[button link=”http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/GPU124AMDCat1110PreDriverV3.aspx” variation=”darkgrey”]Download[/button]